In his role as Associate Creative Director at Media.Monks, Vincent Quak serves as the creative lead on a number of Netflix projects across the globe. Once a tax agent with a passion for taking pictures, Vincent decided to make a 180-degree career switch when he won an award for his photography and move into advertising. Over the course of his colorful career, Vincent has worked with multiple top-line global brands, including the likes of Netflix, BMW, Google, KLM, Unicef and adidas. His extensive creative expertise and detail-oriented guidance has helped bring in numerous international prizes from important awards shows like Cannes Lions, Webby, Lovie, Clio, FWA and Eurobest—and the industry has taken note, as Vincent has been invited to share his thought leadership at prestigious industry events such as Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
1x ADC, 1 x Clio, 3 x Lovie Award, 6 x Awwward, 6 x FWA, 2 x CSS Award, 1 x Bronze Lion, 1 Shortlist Lions, 5 x Webby, 1 x Grand Prix Eurobest, 1 x Best Exhibition Experience (Campaign), 4 x Best Social Media Award and more
1x ADC, 1 x Clio, 3 x Lovie Award, 6 x Awwward, 6 x FWA, 2 x CSS Award, 1 x Bronze Lion, 1 Shortlist Lions, 5 x Webby, 1 x Grand Prix Eurobest, 1 x Best Exhibition Experience (Campaign), 4 x Best Social Media Award and more